Make a Donation

You can contribute via credit card on-line for secure, simple, and immediate results! Giving online is a great way to make a one-time or recurring gift, and you can denote that your gift is in memory or in honor of a specific individual or group. Click below to start giving today.

Join the Carpenters’ Club

Consider becoming a Carpenters’ Club member by pledging $25 or more towards each house we build (typically 6-8 each year). Members receive special invitations to celebrate both the initial Groundbreaking Ceremony and later the Dedication Ceremony, when the home is completed. In addition to meeting the Habitat homebuying families, you will meet people like yourself, who believe in our mission and want to contribute something tangible and needed to our community. For complete information about joining the Carpenters’ Club, please contact Sierrah Purvis, Development Manager, at (203) 785-0794 or

Carpenters’ Club Membership Levels
(amount pledged per completed home)

  • Apprentice–$25
  • Journeyman–$50
  • Master–$100
  • Contractor–$250
  • Builder–$500
  • Developer–$1,000

Download the Carpenter’s Club Pledge form

Donate a Car to Help Build Homes

Your car donation helps a family build a house and the hope of a better life! You can donate a car, truck, boat, RV or other vehicle to Habitat’s Cars for HomesTM vehicle donation program by calling 1-877-277-4344 or visiting Be sure to indicate that you wish the donation to be credited to Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven. Otherwise, it will go into the Habitat International general fund.

Cars for Homes takes donated cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, RVs and other vehicles and sells them through automobile auctions, recyclers or salvage yards to raise funds for our homebuilding program. Funds generated from vehicle sales benefit the local Habitat for Humanity affiliate and community where the donation is made. This is a hassle free and easy way to give to Habitat.

Click here for more information.

Other Ways to Give

Match Your Gift
Many employers have matching gift programs. If yours does, please take advantage of it. If yours doesn’t, urge them to start one. It will benefit everyone.

Remember Habitat in Your Estate Planning
Leave a lasting legacy by designating a portion of your estate to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven, Inc. Even a small fraction of your estate can make a big difference to many deserving families and to your community.

Support Our Annual Appeal
We mail an annual appeal in late November every year. A donation in honor of or in memory of someone special makes a thoughtful gift and greatly benefits Habitat’s work. Click here to read past annual appeal letters.

Our 2024 Annual Appeal has begun! We hope you enjoy reading about the Wahidi Family and their new life in their Habitat home.

Please feel free to contact us to explore the best way for you to support Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven, Inc. We welcome your creative ideas.