The Great Give: May 1-2, 2018
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven is once again participating in The Great Give, a 36-hour online giving event to support local non-profits. The Great Give is exactly what it sounds like, a GREAT time to GIVE! Our organization has the opportunity to earn prizes and matching funds based on the number of donors and the amount of money raised. Making a donation is a simple, meaningful way to help us continue partnering with families and building homes in our community.
Donations can be made anytime between 8:00 a.m. on May 1 through 8:00 p.m. on May 2 but we have a special opportunity to earn an additional $3,000 when you give between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on May 2. This prize is sponsored by Liberty Bank and will be awarded to the organization focused on housing and homelessness with the greatest number of unique donors during that one hour period. Set your alarm, mark your calendar, and grab your credit card to make a difference! We appreciate your generosity.
Update: Thank you to everyone who made a donation through The Great Give! Your generosity is appreciated.