Dedication of 99 Hampton Road, Hamden

Habitat GNH and Sleeping Giant Build (SGB) held a dedication at 99 Hampton Road, Hamden on Saturday, July 15. The house is Habitat’s second Veteran Build and SGB’s eighth Habitat home building project.

The new homeowner is Michael Doyle, a retired Marine, who works at the West Haven V.A.  Lie all Habitat home buyers, Mike volunteered 400 hours of his time to help build his house.

The dedication was attended by several of Mike’s new neighbors, members of Sleeping Giant Build, and Habitat staff and volunteers. Sleeping Giant Build presented Mike with a housewarming gift. The Southford Falls Quilt Guild donated a hand made quilt (their 13th donation to Habitat families)!

Additional support for 99 Hampton Road, Hamden was generously provided by Eversource.

Bill Casey, Habitat executive director, with new homeowner Mike Doyle (right). Also pictured is Antoine Claiborne, Habitat construction manager.


Arnie Cary, co-chair of Sleeping Giant Build, welcomes guests.



Allison Mangles, co-chair of Sleeping Giant Build, presents a housewarming gift from SGB to Mike.


Mike’s sister Kathleen being congratulated by Don Deloge, a long time Habitat volunteer and past Board president.


Antoine Claiborne, Habitat construction manager, did the traditional “Passing of the Hammer” to Mike.


The Southford Falls Quilt Guild donated this beautiful hand made quilt to Mike.