Determined not to be intercepted by the pandemic, community build Sleeping Giant Build is excited to present the 8th Annual Chili Bowl – Pandemic Edition.
Join us for a fun evening of food, music, trivia and chili cooking classes by champion chili chefs – on Zoom! All proceeds from the 8th Annual Chili Bowl – and the Online Silent Auction – will help fund our 12th Home and benefit Sleeping Giant Build’s mission to reduce poverty housing in the Greater New Haven area.
The Official Program:

*Food is prepared, packaged and refrigerated following applicable food safety guidelines. See (FAQs) for details.
**Watch your email for a team roster request.
Order Chili Bowl Packages at
The Complete Chili Bowl Package – $29 per person
- Your choice of award-winning, tender prime rib or vegetarian chili created by the USS Chowder Pot’s Chef Peter Bencivengo, cornbread and dessert. Extra chili and cornbread – $8/pint
- Plus, access to music, chili cooking classes and the trivia game
Chili Bowl Entertainment Package – $20 per person
- Access to music, chili cooking classes and the trivia game
Silent Auction
The famous Chili Bowl Silent Auction will be online this year. You’ll find a tantalizing selection of items including gift cards and great merchandise, donated by our supporters, on our online auction site.
The Silent Auction opens on Friday, February 5 (9AM) and ends Sunday, February 7 (11PM).
The online auction site is easy to use. Access the auction at to browse the auction items – an account is not required to browse.
To bid:
- Click “Login” at the top right of the 32auctions home page, then click on “Create an account now”
- Note you’ll just need to supply your name and email address to create an account – no need to enter payment information until you win a bid at the end of the auction
- Click on your selection. You’ll find a complete description. Check the description for delivery information
- Enter the bid amount, then “Place My Bid”
- You’ll receive an email confirming your bid. If you’re outbid, you’ll receive an email so you can bid again!
- If you win the bid, you’ll receive an email with a link to your invoice.
- Pay securely using PayPal or a major credit card
Chili Bowl Package Questions
Q: Where do I order tickets?
A: The ticket order site is Major credit cards are accepted.
Q: How do I order vegetarian chili?
A: When you purchase your ticket(s) at, you’ll see an option for vegetarian or meat chili.
Q: Can I order extra chili?
A: Yes! Guests can purchase extra chili ($8/pint, includes cornbread) along with the purchase of a Complete Chili Bowl package ticket. You’ll see the spot to order extra chili when you order your tickets at
Q: What food safety precautions have you taken to ensure that our chili and dessert is safe?
A: The chili and dessert have been packaged by commercial sources following current food safety guidelines. Chili will be refrigerated until you pick it up.
Event Questions
Q: Where do I find the Zoom link for the Chili Bowl?
A: You’ll receive an email with the link after you register for the Chili Bowl. If you don’t receive the link by Thursday, February 4, please email and let us know that you haven’t received the link.
Q: What’s the deal with the private Zoom rooms?
A: Private Zoom rooms are available if you’d like to hang out privately with your friends during the event. Note that if you’re in a private Zoom room, you won’t be able to hear the program (e.g., trivia game, music by Gary D).
Q: Can I move among events during the Chili Bowl?
A: Yes! Thanks to the magic of Zoom, you can move from music, to chili cooking classes, to a Zoom room to join your friends freely. We suggest that you stay in the main room during the trivia game.
Q: Do I have to play the trivia game?
A: No! If you prefer, you can hang out with your friends in a private Zoom room. Private Zoom rooms will be available during the entire event.
Q: Who do I contact if I’m having trouble logging onto Zoom during the Chili Bowl?
A: Email This email address will be monitored during the event.
Silent Auction Questions
Q: How can I access the Online Silent Auction?
A: Go to The auction opens at 9AM on Friday, February 5 and ends at 11PM on Sunday, February 7.
Q: How do I get the items I won at the end of the auction?
A: Some items will be mailed while others will be delivered (local delivery). Check the item description on the auction site for delivery details.
Q: How do I pay for the auction items I won?
A: You’ll receive an email from 32auctions with a link to the invoice page. The page will direct you to enter your method of payment (PayPal or a major credit card).
Q: I still have questions. Who should I contact?
A: Email us at